Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Buried Blog Tour and a TRUE Scary Story by Gerilyn Marin

Today I am participating in Gerilyn Marin's Blog Tour for her book Buried, which comes out March 18th.  Here's a little bit about the book:

Fane’s Cove isn’t the average coastal town- not with wandering apparitions, disembodied voices and poltergeist activity occurring on a regular basis- but the residents are used to it.  As far as they know, it’s simply always been that way.  Somehow, Cadence McKenna can’t shake the feeling that normal-seeming new resident Gray Addison is hiding something stranger than all of the town’s odd happenings combined and she’s determined to find out what that is.

This is Gerilyn.  Wave hi, everyone!

Now, instead of doing an author interview, Gerilyn has so genergously (and coolly) offered to tell her own real-life paranormal/scary story!  So, without further ado, here it is!

I live in a small town (small for Queens, NYC). It has kind of a creepy feel to it—I've spooked my husband some mornings 'cause it gets really quiet here, and we'll wake up to find this thick blanket of fog has rolled in. I usually point out the window and say, "Crap, we're in Silent Hill, again."

We live down the block from a sign which informs visitors that our town was founded in 1645. I based Fane's Cove (the town in which Buried takes place) on a switched around/spiced up version of this locale. By spiced up I mean, well . . . for example, we don't have a cemetery in the center of town.

I used the moment I'm about to tell you as the basis for an account, which is supposed to have taken place near two-hundred years ago, in Buried.

This is a very simple incident, very quick in the telling, but it sticks with me still. Every time I leave the house at the same time of day, I still glance toward the same spot on the street where this happened, looking for it.

I don't know if I want to see it, or if I'm praying it's not there.

I wake up every morning between 4:30 and 5:30. Usually, unless it's the peak of summer, it's still dark (or at least, darkish). I'm a scatterbrain, so very often I'll forget to go to the store for something the night before, so I have to go in the morning before the family wakes up.

One morning, I leave the house, close the door behind me and start down the block to the store. Then, for no real reason, I look over my shoulder.  About half a block away, by a cross street, I see what looks like a shirt. But the shirt is about the height and shape that it would be if someone were wearing it, but there's no body to go with it. And it's moving, like I'm watching a person walking, or moving around (albeit a bit jittery), but I simply can't see the rest of them.

I took a deep breath, turned right around and continued walking, convinced I imagined it. I went about my business at the store, came back to my block and kept my gaze on the spot where I'd seen this thing the entire way. It wasn't there, of course, and I never saw it again, but, like I said, every morning that I leave my house at that time, I catch myself staring at that same spot in the street, like I'm waiting for whatever that was to pop up again.

Spooky, no?  With that kind of experience, no wonder she decided to right a paranormal book! Now I am so excited to find out about this cemetery in the middle of the town, Cadence & Gray, and all about Fane's Cove.

Check out the book.  It comes out March 18th, and if the blurb is any indication of the story, it'll be a fun, scary ride!


  1. Thank you so much for hosting me, Susie! I appreciate the support <3

  2. Aha! The comment box is back now. Weird.

    Very creepy, Gerilyn. I think I would have moved!

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