Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tweet Tweet

I have been avoiding Twitter since I first learned of it's inception.  When it was first explained to me, it sounded like a haven for the self-obsessed.  Then I went on the site to read a few tweets and I just...didn't get it.  It made sense to me if you were promoting yourself or your business, but for plain old me to get an account?  Why?  I don't care about my thoughts that much, so why would anyone else?

Then I started this lovely blog.  And it was suggested to me (and by suggested I mean told that I really should) get an account.


Be that way.

So here I am, after years of holding out, finally signing up for a twitter account.  Please follow me.  I can't claim that I will tweet anything insightful, but hopefully I'll tweet something funny once in a while.  Or newswothy.  Or bookish.

Twitter name: @LevineSusie (I may have to change this)

Let me know your twitter name and I'll follow you!


  1. I'll follow you. I'm fairly new to the whole Twitter thing as well. haha.

    You'll see me follow and can just click on my name to follow back. :)
