Friday, April 12, 2013

Book Blogger Hop

I haven't done one of these in a while and I've missed them!  Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer took over the Friday book blog hop, and I'm so grateful!  Today's question is:

What was the last book you read from a genre you don't normally read?

Answer: Redeye by Michael Shean.  This is cyberpunk/noir/science fiction.  I have read a limited number of science fiction novels, one other cyberpunk and (to my knowledge) zero noir novels.  Thus, this is about as outside my usual reading comfort zone as it gets.  With that said, I'm glad I gave it a try because it was really good!  Action packed and fun and creative.  I reviewed it here, so check it out.  Today is also the official release day of Redeye, so this question could not be more perfectly timed.

Happy Friday to all and Happy Hopping!


  1. Congratulations, Michael! Can't wait to read the review :)

    1. You can read my review here:

  2. You are brave taking the plunge...I won't read sci-fi. Too far out of my comfort zone. :)

    See my answer in the link below.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  3. So glad to hear you liked it. I will check out your review :)

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